Foxconn Raises Manufacturing Cost Might Results In iPhone Price


by casey on October 13, 2010

Apple manufacturing partner Foxconn and its parent company Hon Hai are ready to raise the price of devices including Apple’s iPhone. The news has been reported by Reuters on a note from Citibank analyst Chang Kaiwei.

Reuters reported that “Hon Hai, the world’s largest electronic parts maker, will raise prices from October for some clients, including Apple, according to a Citibank analyst, a Taiwan newspaper reported on Wednesday

It is expected that this action by Hon Hai might also affect big companies like Microsoft, Nokia and Sony Ericsson.

Previously it was hinted when Foxconn stressed “very seriously”, saying it is, “committed to giving each and every one of our more than 937,000 employees in China a safe and positive working environment and compensation and benefits that are competitive with all of our industry peers.”

However, the increment percentage is not yet mentioned by Hon Hai. Let us see how Apple is going to respond towards this. There are chances that they may increase the iPhone price. It is also expected that Apple will try its best to maintain the price instead of increasing it as the company is already earning a good amount of it.

foxconn apple hon hai prices

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