iOS Virus For iPhone iPad & iPod Effects By Offering “UNLOCK NOW FREE” App


by casey on April 11, 2011

Previously we have seen many iOS viruses which mostly effect the jailbroken iDevices. We do not want to get into the debate of jailbroken iOS devices security as people give different opinions. Few of them says that after jailbreaking your device is surely less secure. Other says nothing happens to the security, just you get something new in it which is called Cydia. Anyways, coming back to the news, an iOS virus is reported which has effected many users. This time it effects not only the jailbroken devices but the others one as well. We have got emails from our visitors who have confirmed this news.

That is how this virus is distributed, it offers an application to download by giving a false presentation of a jailbreak saying “UNLOCK NOW FREE”. We advice you not to visit such pages or try to download the app from your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

People who have tried to download it are then presented with an animated followed by another message “DOWNLOAD NOW FREE UNLOCK 2″. At this point, you are too late. It will delete all the information of your SIM and iDevice.

iOS iphone ipad ipod Virus

Remember unlock and jailbreak tools are officially announced on websites such as,, All the other solutions are actually taken from there or can be fake otherwise.

VeryRite wants you to be safe. Retweet and Share to tell more people about it for the safety.

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  • Livviepops

    Omg!! I have iPhone – on it now. It’s scary that u can get viruses on them. I assumed it was quite hard because iMacs don’t really get viruses. Is there anything I can download as a virus protection thing. Obviously I won’t download anything yet because it could be a virus. Thanks in advance!

  • Ronzoweaver

    Mac’s not getting viruses is a myth! google it

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