Apple To Patch Untethered 4.3.1 Jailbreak Exploit In iOS 4.3.2 ?


by casey on April 8, 2011

We have already updated you about Apple’s intention to release iOS 4.3.2 firmware for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Now we have another rumor floating around the Internet. Apple will be patching untethered 4.3.1 jailbreak exploit in the upcoming iOS 4.3.2 release.

Current iOS 4.3.1 Jailbreak:

Untethered iOS 4.3.1 exploit is developed by Stefan Esser who is a security expert. If you unaware, the hacker jumped to the iPhone jailbreaking scene for the very first time. He found a vulnerability, developed an exploit and handed it to the iPhone Dev Team. After that, the Dev Team tested it and used it behind their tools and released Redsn0w 0.9.6PwnageTool 4.3Sn0wbreeze 2.5 also uses the same exploit released by iH8sn0w for Windows users.

Remember the exploit do not work on the iPad 2 device. Other than that, it works on all devices compatible with iOS 4.3.1 firmware which includes iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G and Apple TV2G.

IMPORTANT: If Apple Patches iOS 4.3.1 jailbreak exploit ?

The point of telling you the whole story is that if Apple patches iOS 4.3.1 untethered jailbreak hole, it will be too complicated for the hackers to jailbreak iOS 4.3.2, just like the iPad 2.

The justification for the above point is very simple. We have already seen SHAtter and Limera1n jailbreak tools patched by Apple. Famous hacker, Comex was also failed to jailbreak iPad 2. It was only the Stefan Esser who managed to jailbreak iOS 4.3.1. Before him we have seen all the hackers failed to jailbreak iOS 4.3.1. So the upcoming patch will be a great complexity. We hope you will get iOS 4.3.2 jailbreak as soon as they release it.

ios 4.3.2 firmware

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Update: Apple iOS 4.3.2 To Fix Verizon iPad 2 & FaceTime

UPDATEiOS 4.3.2 For iPhone iPad iPod Touch Released

UPDATE 1Redsn0w 0.9.6 RC13 Released For Untethered iOS 4.3.2 Jailbreak

We will update you as soon as we get another update. We also cover all jailbreak and unlock news. Make sure you follow us.

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  • BoomBoomPow

    Oh man, that would be tough, so everyone out there on an older firmware than ios 4.3.1, save ur shsh blobs for ios 4.3.1 so u can install and jailbreak that when ios 4.3.2 is released, cuz apple wont let u install ios 4.3.1 if there is a newer version (ios 4.3.2) available

  • Ram2chat

    That sucks :/ I have the iPad 2 and there’s still no jailbreak :(

  • bob

    NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!ni hate apple

  • Norm

    nMy next phone will probably be an Android. This nonsense from Apple is ridiculous. I don’t like being treated like a child – I’m 57!

  • Eyepad

    This is why I hate apple! I should be able to install w/e I choose on my iOS devices.. I find it funny how serious apple takes this, don’t they have anything better to do?nnPosted via iPad 2

  • Hugo

    Man….apple did it again..i hope they don’t patch stefan esser untethered exploit..we’ve been waiting for so long for the untethered 4.3.1 and then apple patch the loop hole again..that just *****

  • Dsifriend

    I can wait for an iOS 5 exploit anyway sou2026 meh.

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