iPod Nano Hacked. Soon Will Be Jailbroken To Get Apps & Games [Video]


by casey on December 28, 2010

6th generation iPod nano has been hacked by a developer named James Whelton. The hacker did this by using a simple Springboard hack to penetrate through the iPod nano’s ‘cache comparison’ to do modification in the OS that are not allowed by default.

iPod nano hacked

The developer also showed a demonstration to remove application off the iPod nano. It is to be noted that the developer has not jailbroken the device yet to install custom apps.

The iPod Nano hasn’t been “jailbroken” as some sites claim, I do not have root access over the device. I did not “install” an app. I figured out how to remove them and insert a blank space into the springboard.

What I have also done is figured out a way for the iPod to boot with modified files (eg the SpingBoard Plist), bypassing the procedure it takes to stop this, I hope this will allow us to figure out a way to jailbreak it. I am primarily focusing on exposing some of the (for now) hidden features of the device.

Whelton is willing to reveal more hacks with iPod nano very soon. Here is a few text written by the developer on his upcoming work.

Next is the discovery in some of the device’s plists of reference to support of Movies, TV Shows, Apps, Games, vCards, Calender events and so on, with a few other cool things like a passcode lock. With the bypass I figured out, I hope to enable these pretty soon. It seems like the OS is a rehashed version of the previous Nano’s OS.

Source: via nanohack

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