Put iPod Nano 6G In DFU Mode Revealed [Video]


by casey on December 29, 2010

Previously we have reported that 6th generation iPod nano has been hacked by a developer named James Whelton. The hacker did this by using a simple Springboard hack to penetrate through the iPod nano’s ‘cache comparison’. Now, Steven Troughton-Smith has found to enter in the DFU mode of iPod Nano.

To enter inside the DFU mode of iPod nano, you have to hold down the restart buttons until you get a black screen. iTunes will judge the device you will be given an alert.

Steven Troughton-Smith has posted on his blog:

Afterwards, modified iRecovery to work with the iPod nano (had to add its DFU/Recovery USB ID) and allow it send files, and tested with some files I had extracted from the iPod nano 6G firmware (using the extract2g tool somewhere from http://www.freemyipod.org/ ).

disk.fw and osos.fw work (one boots disk mode, the other boots to a homescreen). The other files make the nano boot to a white screen, but go no further.

So, basically, it seems we can send encrypted firmware files to the iPod, and have them execute, similar to what is used to jailbreak the iPhone. If the nano rejects the file (i.e. unsigned, invalid), it reboots.

While this by itself isn’t that cool, hopefully the info will inspire someone else to finally hack this thing and give us custom ‘apps’.

Source: via Steven blog

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